Engaging In Martial Arts To Combat Childhood Obesity
This article details the problems of childhood obesity and presents Martial Arts as a terrific prevention method and remedy. It also presents TM Martial Arts as one of the best options available to caring parents.
The Problem of Childhood Obesity
With childhood obesity having become a national epidemic in recent decades, more and more parents are discovering that Martial Arts can be an effective solution for helping their children to keep or get their weight under control. This engaging, enduring activity offers children (and adults) a complete fitness program that benefits development and improvement of the whole body.
Martial Arts and Childhood Obesity
We have been teaching Martial Arts to children and adults in the [sitearea] for some time. Like others in our community, we have watched in dismay as this particular childhood malady has spread at a remarkable pace with dismal, disheartening, and costly results. In well-advised response, many parents are bringing their kids in to train at our facility to address the issue and obtain a litany of great benefits in addition.
Childhood obesity is be a complex and multi-faceted problem. Martial Arts, contrary to what many people believe, have less to do with violence and more to do with self-improvement. It may sound cliché, but once embraced, Martial Arts for many become an overwhelmingly positive “way of life!” The physical practice of martial arts incorporates many aspects leading to fitness and well-being, including strength training, cardiovascular conditioning, and becoming more agile, energetic, and in control of the body. Together, these elements of Martial Arts training are a very powerful tool in combating childhood obesity.
TM Martial Arts
At TM Martial Arts, we diligently commit to each and every one of our students to help them reach the top of their potential, not just on the mats and in the ring, but in all walks of life. In our kids, teen, and adult Martial Arts programs, we work with individuals to help them derive from Martial Arts the benefits most crucial to leading healthy, happy, and productive lives.
When it comes to combating childhood obesity, we encourage behaviors within the walls of the Martial Arts studio that are typically carried over into every aspect of students’ lives. We enhance our Martial Arts training with instruction and practice of virtues like self-control, self-discipline, and self-respect. We likewise promote constructive behavior and moderation of consumption.
Childhood Obesity and the Community
Childhood obesity is a very serious problem. Addressing it is the responsibility not just of parents and kids themselves, but of the whole community. We must set a good example and provide an atmosphere that encourages healthy development and lifestyle choices. Martial Arts are among the most powerful tools at our disposal to halt and reverse this harmful, ongoing trend.
To find out more about the Martial Arts programs available at TM Martial Arts, and how we can help your child or children, call our academy or complete the contact form today!