TM Martial Arts - Martial Arts & Fitness for All Ages!
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June Kickin’ Newsletter – 2022

How Karate Develops Courtesy in Kids

A fair amount of mayhem may have taken over your house now that students are home on summer break – particularly with very young children! That’s why it’s more important than ever for students to keep attending classes at TM Martial Arts Academy this summer. Martial arts make kids self-disciplined and self-confident. Consistent training creates a habit of respect and courtesy for their siblings, classmates, and elders. From the moment they walk through our doors, children are taught to address their seniors respectfully. They are taught a positive attitude towards life which increases their sense of responsibility. Karate training makes children confident as it teaches self-control and self-esteem, which increases their sense of self-worth – and affects how others view them as individuals.

Karate and discipline

Martial arts training instills values of honesty and hard work among children, adolescents, and teens. As children interact in structured classes, they steadily learn how to improve their moves along with their speech and behavior. They learn the necessity of rules and importance of making loyal, honorable choices in every sphere of life, which helps with their self-discipline too.

In free sparring practice, students develop the power to concentrate, anticipate, and even influence their opponents’ moves to avoid being “hit” or “scored upon” – then respond with a swift, well-rehearsed counter-attack. The quality karate for kids program at TM Martial Arts Academy helps students of all ages develop the power to think quickly to achieve victory, to shut out distractions, and to concentrate on work at hand for longer periods of time.

Karate and courtesy

By learning to show courtesy and respect for their instructors and classmates, children learn to appreciate abilities of each other and hone their personal skills. This develops a sense of cooperative learning and kind consideration for each other. The simple acts of bowing to instructors and training partners, raising a hand to speak, holding a particular stance until instructed to move, and so on develop an awareness that spawns courteous and respectful behavior, which oftentimes is returned. Respect, gratitude, humility, and duty are moral concepts and values central to the philosophies of certain traditional martial art forms.

Children who learn karate from a young age become leaders over a period of time as their self- confidence and proficiency grows. In time they show readiness to take on responsibility and their off to the races! A firm foundation in respect and courtesy is a magnificent starting point and touchstone for all people everywhere.


Special Mention

Dads Train FREE in June!

Hey all you SUPER DADS! We know you like to create special memories with your kids. How about joining them on the mat for some stretching, strength, and character building? All dads train FREE with their students during the month of May! Call to set up your classes for the month of May, and we will throw in an early Father’s Day gift! (815) 254-6141

  • Classes must be scheduled
  • Space is limited
  • Earn your white belt!
  • For every class attended, you will go into a drawing for a luxury gift certificate

Board Breaking Seminar

Belt Promotion & Black Belt Extravaganza


TM Martial Arts Summer Skills Camp!

Registration is open for 2022 TM Martial Arts Summer Skills Camp! Advance a belt level in two weeks through over 20 hours of Intensive Martial Arts Training. Monday through Friday, 9am-3pm (early drop-off and late pick-up available upon request).

Hurry! Registration is still open!

*Attend 1 week to supplement your current training OR attend 2 weeks to advance an entire belt level:

WEEK ONE: July 18-July 22

WEEK TWO: July 25-July 29

*Weekly Pool Day

*Bonus Game Truck Day!


TM Martial Arts Annual Picnic!

YOU are invited to the TM Martial Arts Annual Picnic!

When: Sunday July 31 @12pm-3pm

Where: Boy Scout Park: 23729 West Ottawa Street, Plainfield, IL 60544 (across the street from the pool)

What to bring: Please sign up at the front desk to let us know how many people will be attending and if you will bring a side dish, dessert, or drinks to share (hotdogs and hamburgers will be catered).

* Every year we invite students and instructors to bring water balloons to contribute to our HUGE water balloon fight! All are welcome to join!


Mark Your Calendar

Month of June – Dads train FREE!
June 11 – Leadership Instructor Training 1:45pm-2:45pm
June 18 – “Breaking Through Barriers” Board-Breaking Seminar, featuring GM Jeff Smith!
June 20-24 – Color Belt Testing
June 25 – Black Belt Extravaganza & Color Belt Promotion
July 2 – TM Martial Arts Academy closes at 12pm NOON
July 4 – CLOSED for Independence Day!
July 16 – Leadership Instructor Training 1:45pm-2:45pm
July 18-22 – Week ONE Summer Skills Camp
July 25-29 – Week TWO Summer Skills Camp
July 30 – Leadership Instructor Training 1:45pm-2:45pm
July 31 – TM Martial Arts Picnic 12:00pm-3:00pm
NEW! Recommended Reading Corner

Since we are focused on Courtesy this month, we recommend the book, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” by Stephen R. Covey

We want to challenge students and parents to read at least one book per month to stay mentally strong.