Fitness and exercise are crucial for a healthy mind and body. So it is extremely important for parents to monitor how much exercise and physical activity their kids are getting, and ensure that they remain active during their most formative years.
School vs. play
During a child’s first few years, his or her muscles and bones are still in development. For children to become strong and healthy, it is important for them to engage in diverse physical activities on a regular basis. Apart from strengthening their bodies, physical activity also helps children sleep better at night. Moreover, exercise releases important chemicals in the brain and body that foster a positive outlook and attitude. Finally, frequent exercise also limits the chances of serious medical conditions like diabetes or obesity from developing, which occurs today in Americans of all ages at an alarming rate.
Teaching the whole person
Apart from actually keeping the body fit, exercise does a number of extraordinary things to the mind as well. Physical activities like sports provide a relief or an stress outlet from the day to day school routine that most children have nowadays. It’s something to look forward to, a short time where they can be focus on something more enjoyable than their problems! Moreover, just the act of playing and working with a group of friends helps social skills as well. It goes without saying that a child who is physically active is more energized, and prepared to take on each and every day.
If your child is interested, you can find a great trial offer at TM Martial Arts Academy. Our classes help children in becoming independent, while also keeping them healthy and fit body, mind, and spirit. Call today (815) 254-6141
Special Mention
Moms Train FREE In May!
Hey all you SUPER MOMS! We know you like to create special memories with your kids. How about joining them on the mat for some stretching, strength, and character building? All moms train FREE with their students during the month of May! Call to set up your classes for the month of May, and we will throw in an early Mother’s Day gift! (815) 527-3947
Classes must be scheduled
Space is limited
Earn your white belt!
For every class attended, you will go into a drawing for a luxury gift certificate
TM Martial Arts Summer Skills Camp!
Registration is open for 2022 TM Martial Arts Summer Skills Camp!j Advance a belt level in two weeks through over 20 hours of Intensive Martial Arts Training. Monday through Friday, 9am-3pm (early drop-off and late pick-up available upon request).
Hurry! Pre-registration discount and Summer Camp t-shirt ordering ends May 30.
*Attend 1 week to supplement your current training OR attend 2 weeks to advance an entire belt level:
WEEK ONE: July 18-July 22
WEEK TWO: July 25-July 29
*Weekly Pool Day
*Bonus Game Truck Day!
Mark Your Calendar
Month of May – Moms train FREE!
May 7– Leadership Instructor Training 1:45pm-2:45pm
May 8 – Happy Mother’s Day to all our Karate Moms!
May 14 – Black Belt Testing Day, 10:00am
May 28 – Studio closes by 12pm Noon
May 30 – CLOSED for Memorial Day
June 4 – Leadership Instructor Training 1:45pm-2:45pm
June 18 – GM Jeff Smith visits from Sterling VA!
June 20-24 – Color Belt Testing
June 25 – Black Belt Extravaganza & Color Belt Promotion (details coming soon!)
NEW! Recommended Reading Corner
Since we are focused on fitness this month, we recommend the book, “Ultimate Fitness through Martial Arts,” by Sang H. Kim
We want to challenge students and parents to read at least one book per month to stay mentally strong.