TM Martial Arts - Martial Arts & Fitness for All Ages!
News & Events Students

February Kickin’ Newsletter – 2022


5 Reasons We LOVE Karate!

There are many forms of martial arts, but they all have one thing in common: People who participate in them love them. There are a variety of reasons that students enjoy doing it. Here are 5 reasons we love karate at TM Martial Arts:


Martial arts is physically trying, so prolonged practice helps you get in shape! The longer you do it, the better you get at it. This  helps boost your confidence. Whether a student begins as a child or later in life, there’s no doubt that learning a new skill and growing it with the support of your instructor can do wonders for self esteem.


Hopefully, you won’t need to use your martial arts skills as self defense, but it’s always good to have those skills in case a situation arises. For example, someone who finds him or herself in a dangerous situation, like a street robbery or home break-in, will be happy to have learned the techniques necessary to stay safe without needing a dangerous weapon.


Exercise is a great way to let out stress or pent up energy in a productive way. Have you ever gone into a kickboxing class or on a run in a bad mood, and finished as if you were walking on air? Sometimes all you need is a little bit of physical activity to get that negative energy out.


The physical aspect of karate class is merely a small part of the overall practice. Martial arts can sharpen your mind, allowing you to focus and learn easier. Martial arts helps you tune out other thoughts and solely zero in on the practice at hand. Once you learn to do that in your karate classes, you can incorporate that mental strength into other aspects of your life.


There are few places more supportive than your local martial arts studio. Not only will you get to know other members of your class, as well as your instructors, but these people will also support and encourage you throughout your martial arts journey. You’re very likely to become friends with the people you practice with. If you’ve recently moved to a new city, consider joining a martial arts studio for some much needed camaraderie.



Special Mention

Happy Birthday TM Martial Arts!

It’s our birthday month! TM Martial Arts first opened its doors 19 years ago, on February 3, 2003. Since then, our studio has grown to over 300 active students, dozens of black belts, a full staff of professional instructors, and the opportunity to have reached thousands of families in the community. We want to say a special THANK YOU to the parents and students who step through our doors each week. It’s an honor to serve you.

TM Martial Arts Photo Day!

Every year we create a school poster and we want every student to be on it! It is completely FREE to be on the poster; all you have to do is sign up for a time slot! They are by appointment only so make sure to call and reserve a spot or sign up at the front desk! We will still be having classes on Friday, March 4th. NO CLASSES on Saturday, March 5th!

Picture day(s) will be March 4th-6th
Friday, March 4th pictures will start at 3:00pm
Saturday, March 5th pictures will start at 9:00am
Sunday, March 6th pictures will start at 9:00am
If you have any questions give us a call!
Tax Time Special!

Hey parents! Now you can get another 25% out of your tax refund! Investing into martial arts will reap a lifetime of benefits. Ask us how you can save 25% on your membership. But hurry! This special runs through April 15, 2022.

Mark Your Calendar!

February 3 – TM Martial Arts 19th Anniversary

February 16 – Color Belt Forms Due

February 21-25 – Color Belt testing week (by appointment only)

February 26 – Color Belt Promotion Parade (times based on belt level)

March 3 – Black Belt Prep Orientation at 7:30pm

March 4 – Picture Day starts at 1:00pm (by appointment only)

March 5 – Picture Day starts at 9:00am (by appointment only)

March 6 – Picture Day starts at 9:00am (by appointment only)

March 8 – Black Belt Prep begins

March 26 – Grandmaster Smith will be visiting TM Martial Arts classes