TM Martial Arts - Martial Arts & Fitness for All Ages!

How To Train Like A Black Belt!


Throughout the months of November and December, we challenged ALL our students to dream BIG and set fresh martial arts goals. Our students completed several assignments meant to help them visualize their journey to Black Belt. We are so proud of you all for taking action steps to set tremendous goals!

Now it’s GO TIME! We have brand new challenges in store for the month of January to help students start working toward those amazing Black Belt goals, so get hyped!

To Become a Black Belt, I Must Train like a Black Belt!

We know that in order to become a Black Belt, we must train like a Black Belt! That means developing strong habits. Throughout the month of January, we will be focusing on the strong habits that make Black Belts successful!

How do I participate?

STUDENT CHALLENGE #1—ALL students: Each week we will post a new VIDEO on our website, highlighting a specific Black Belt habit! Watch each video and answer the question in the caption. Turn it in to your instructor for a 5-stripe reward!

STUDENT CHALLENGE #2—ALL students: Write a paragraph (minimum 5 sentences) about how martial arts training has helped you develop good habits. Turn it in to your instructor for a 5-stripe reward! (Deadline January 31st)

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” — Jim Rohn



WEEK 1 – “Be On Time!”

“Punctuality is closely related to faithfulness and dependability.” – Sterling W. Sill

STUDENT CHALLENGE: In this video, we give you 6 reasons why it’s important to be on time! Write down three reasons from this video, and submit it to your instructor at your next class to earn a 5-stripe!



WEEK 2 – “Wear Your Uniform Properly!”

“A good battle plan that you act on today can be better than a perfect one tomorrow.” – General George S. Patton

STUDENT CHALLENGE: In this video, Mr. Clay talks about 4 parts of the uniform! Write down the 4 parts that he explains in this video, and submit it to your instructor at your next class to earn a 5-stripe!



WEEK 3 – “Good Habits Folder!”

“Watch your actions, they become your habits. Watch your habits, they become your character.” – Vince Lombardi

STUDENT CHALLENGE: In this video, we talk all about Good Habits Sheets! Write down the 2 requirements for earning your Progress Check stripe (aka: black stripe), and submit it to your instructor at your next class to earn a 5-stripe!



WEEK 4 – “Good Attendance!”

“The formula for success is 2% talent, 8% luck, and 90% showing up every day.” – Jeffrey Fry

STUDENT CHALLENGE: In this video, Ms. Scahill explains the 3 boxes you might find your attendance card in! Write down the names of the 3 boxes and when you would find your card in each. Submit answers to your instructor at your next class to earn a 5-stripe!